Thankful for OLP Volunteers


During this thankful season, we would like to express gratitude to over 100 volunteers who give their hearts and hands to Our Lady of Peace. With too many to name, we have chosen to highlight a couple who have recently attracted attention for the work they are doing.

Along with her family, Meg Pospisil is helping to carry on her mother’s fundraising legacy. For more than 50 years, Meg’s mother, Helen Weides led service projects and fundraising efforts for Our Lady of Peace. A member of Annunciation Church, Helen lovingly created prayer shawls and bed pads for the hospice residence, gathered much-needed supplies, and organized the annual Holiday Nut sale, all to benefit Our Lady of Peace. She also organized and hosted the annual Annunciation Fundraising Dinner, raising thousands of dollars for our mission. Helen recently passed away, but her legacy lives on as her children and grandchildren continue to host the fundraising dinner. In addition to serving on the OLP staff, Meg is a part of the fundraising dinner that is now in its 41st year, with all proceeds going to Our Lady of Peace.

Ed Colon has a gift of supporting patients in their final days. Ed is a kind and gentle man who is known for his ability to bring them peace through music, videos, strolls in the courtyard, and saying the rosary. Ed says, “It’s not about me, it’s about them, and finding a way to connect them with things that have meaning in their lives.” He also says it’s a gift that comes back to him. “I keep doing this work because it’s important, and I get more in return than I give.”

When Lorena Klinnert retired as a hospital chaplain seven years ago, it didn’t take long for her to find her way over to Our Lady of Peace Hospice Home. She had a lot energy and wasn’t ready to not do anything. Once a week, for a three-hour shift, Lorena goes to OLP simply to be with people. She visits them one by one, talks through the hospice experience, and helps them adjust to what lies ahead.

When Lorena arrives at OLP, she looks for areas of need, such as a patient who is alone. “Often, they’re sleeping, but I sit with them, and I say some silent prayers. I’ve had experiences when I’m sitting there and a family member comes in and says, “Oh, I’m so glad someone is here and she’s not alone!”

During this time of giving thanks, we are grateful for Meg, Ed, Lorena, and all of our volunteers who join us in carrying out our mission with their gifts of love and dedication.