Bubba Heard an Angel (Calling His Name)


If you’ve been connected to Our Lady of Peace (OLP) for a while, you most likely met Bubba, one of our beloved pet therapy dogs. Bubba has crossed the rainbow bridge, but his kind and loving spirit continues to bless OLP families through the books his dad, Jerry Stueber writes, with Bubba’s inspiration.

Recently, our OLP chaplains and social workers asked if the people who love Bubba could donate 25 copies of Bubba’s latest book, Bubba Heard an Angel (Calling His Name). It’s the story of Bubba’s own journey across the Rainbow Bridge and the friends who help put his fears to rest before he crossed it. It’s a chapter book that is proving to be a great source of comfort for people OLP cares for, young and old, whose loved one is dying, or died.

Well, what has become known as The Bubbasphere started coming together, and in less than 10 days, 60 books were donated to OLP. Bubba continues to put his paw print on our hospice care, and the Angel Bubba hopes his story will be a comfort to anyone who is feeling sad or afraid at the thought of losing a loved one or a beloved pet.

Rozalynne Weinberg, a friend of Bubba’s, volunteered to receive, pack and ship the donated books to Our Lady of Peace, Thank you, Rozalynne! 

If you’re interested in donating a book to OLP, this link will take you to the page where the book is on Amazon.com. After you add the book to your cart and proceed to check out, it will ask you to click on who you wish to receive the book. Check the circle next to Rozalynne Weinberg’s Gift Registry address, and then click on Use this address. Once you purchase the book, Rozalynne will receive your book, and ship it to Our Lady of Peace.