Highland Block Nurse Program

The Highland Block Nurse Program has moved to Neighborhood Network for Seniors!

The Highland Block Nurse Program (HBNP) has transitioned to the Neighborhood Network for Seniors.

For referrals and additional information, please contact Neighborhood Network for Seniors.

Phone: 651-646-2301

Email: valerie@neighborhoodnetworkforseniors.org


The Neighborhood Network for Seniors is a dedicated organization committed to serving seniors in our community. Its team of compassionate professionals is committed to providing high-quality supportive services tailored to meet seniors’ unique needs. 

Together, we remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that all seniors in our community have access to the resources they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Neighborhood Network for Seniors is the Living At Home/Block Nurse Program

Neighborhood Network for Seniors is the Living At Home/Block Nurse Program serving ONLY the following neighborhoods: Highland Park, Lexington-Hamline, MacGroveland, Merriam Park, and Summit University by linking seniors to neighbors and services that can help them live safely at home. We provide no-cost and low-cost services for people over the age of 65 and their families and friends. We strive to be the one call seniors and caregivers make to find resources to help them maintain or regain their independence—our service area map.

The Neighborhood Network for Seniors is part of a network of local programs that mobilize and coordinate community volunteers and health professionals to help their older neighbors stay in the homes they love. Living At Home/Block Nurse Programs prevent and delay nursing home admissions for hundreds of seniors each year by alleviating barriers to service, assisting seniors in preventing and managing illness, and coordinating and simplifying care. This saves Minnesota taxpayers millions of dollars. It helps to keep our communities whole, and it allows frail seniors the opportunity to continue to contribute to their community.

We are funded through the generous support of: The City of St. Paul, The MN Department of Health, The MN Department of Human Services, Ramsey County, the Hardenbergh Foundation, the Otto Bremer Trust, the High Winds Fund, F. R. Bigelow Foundation, the Mardag Foundation, private grants and contributions, and individual donors.