Plant a Tree in Memory


April 28th is Arbor Day in Minnesota and May is Arbor Month. Minnesota is the only state in the nation that celebrate trees for an entire month! Trees are a symbol of beauty in the world. They provide a canopy of protection, comfort, and peace; some of the things we search for when working through grief and loss. 

This is why planting and caring for a tree in memory of someone you love can be healing. The tree you plant will be a living, growing symbol of your love for the person you lost. And the site where it’s planted, can be a place to go to reflect and remember them. There are 52 species of native trees in Minnesota, so there is a lot of selection. Kari Logan is a friend of Our Lady of Peace who planted a red pine in memory of her mother. “Just after my mom passed in 2011, my best friend gave me a seedling to plant in her memory on our family property in northern Minnesota. I’ve watched it grow every year since, and it’s now about five feet tall. Every time, I walk by the tree, I say, ‘Hi Mom,’ and it gives me a visual, earthly connection to her, in a beautiful place that she loved.” 

If you don’t have time, energy, or a place to plant a tree yourself, consider these alternatives:

Remember a loved one with One Tree Planted

Make a memorial donation to One Tree Planted, where a tree is planted with every dollar donated. This organization wants to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees to restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world. Since 2014, One Tree Planted has more than doubled the number of trees planted each year, across 80+ countries in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Pacific.

The OLP Memorial Brick Garden provides a place to remember.

The courtyard at Our Lady of Peace (OLP) is another place to remember those you love. Many individuals and families have purchased memorial bricks that have been placed in the garden. Some have loved ones who died at OLP, and others do not. Regardless of circumstances, the courtyard is a place of serenity, surrounded by trees, beautiful flowers, a waterfall, and benches to sit on and reflect. It’s open to all, and all are welcome. And the beautiful thing about a memorial brick is the money you pay to engrave it helps us continue to provide care at no cost in our hospice residence.

The Arboretum at Horton Park

Horton Park is a small arboretum located at 1383 W Minnehaha Ave in Saint Paul. With benches, shaded areas, and picnic tables, it’s a lovely place to sit, reflect, remember, or gather with your family to celebrate a heavenly birthday. Known primarily for its variety of trees, Horton Park has become a symbol of the Saint Paul Midway community. 

If you plant a tree, we hope it brings you comfort and feelings of love. And if you don’t, we hope you feel the sunlight through the trees above and behind you, and it brings you comfort.