June is Busting Out All Over


Happy June to you! It is assumed that the month of June was named for Juno, the goddess of marriage and childbirth, which is probably why it became a popular wedding month. In Greek mythology, Juno was the female counterpart to Jupiter. 

June is also known for other important days and celebrations. Here are a few:

June brings beauty, sunshine, and flowers. It also brings June bugs. 

100 species of beetles are considered to be “June bugs” because they’re named for the time of year that they are most prevalent. But the red June bug we call “lady bug” has become the favorite of children, imitated on clothing, back packs, and lunch boxes. 

June marks the end of the school year. 

Children across American will race out of school at the sound of the bell and pack their back packs away for the summer while looking forward to playing soccer and baseball, swimming at the beach, and participating in fun summer programs and activities.

June 5th is World Environmental Day

This is a day for people to talk about environmental issues across the globe.

June 14th is Flag Day

If you like flying the flag, this is one of the top days of the year to do it! Flag Day commemorates the date the United States approved the design of the first national flag in 1777.

Father’s Day is June 18th

Our Lady of Peace acknowledges that this day can be difficult for those whose father has passed away. We recently found out that two daughters whose father passed in our care have found a way to still make it a special day by doing something their father loved. They go on a motorcycle ride in his memory. Others have planted a tree, or a perennial plant in the garden that will grow year after year. Whatever you do, it should be your choice, and know we’re here if you need grief support.

Junteenth is June 19th 

Also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, this day commemorates the emancipation of enslaved people in the U.S. It is a federal holiday in the United States, and a day to celebrate African American culture. 

The Summer Solstice is June 21st 

This day officially marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. It has the most hours of daylight, so be sure to enjoy a late night on your patio!

June 24th is Midsummer Day

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, it is the midpoint of the growing seasons, halfway between planting and harvesting. If you haven’t already planted your vegetables or potted your outdoor plants, you may want to get going before you run out of time!