The Magic of Music Therapy


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Music therapy is a powerful tool that can bring comfort, peace, and even healing to those nearing the end of life. At Our Lady of Peace Hospice Residence, music therapist Lydia J. Holmes uses her skills to help patients and their families find solace and connection through music.

Lydia has seen firsthand how music can help people communicate and connect on a deeper level, even when verbal communication is difficult. She has worked with patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, who often retain their ability to enjoy and respond to music even as their cognitive abilities decline.

Music therapy has a long history, dating back to World Wars I and II, when musicians played for veterans in hospitals. It is a recognized profession with a growing body of research supporting its benefits.

At Our Lady of Peace, Lydia works with patients to create personalized music experiences that bring them joy and comfort. She also uses music to support families during this difficult time.

Lydia’s work is a testament to the power of music to heal and connect us, even in the face of death. She is a compassionate and skilled therapist who brings peace and comfort to those she serves.