Called to Share – What is a Legacy Gift?


Our Lady of Peace (OLP) is excited to announce the addition of the Our Lady of Peace Legacy Society as part of our Planned Giving Program. The Legacy Society honors forward thinking donors who have made a gift to Our Lady of Peace in their will or estate plan. 

Gifts of this type are one of the best ways to ensure the sustainability of Our Lady of Peace and our mission to provide care at no cost, beyond what is covered by Medicare. They reflect the giver’s desire to make a lasting contribution that will benefit others long after the donor is gone. The motivation for a legacy gift comes from many places: gratitude for an exceptional experience at OLP, faith that compels you to care for others and/or the desire to make a difference. 

This month, you’ll have the opportunity to read the stories of three of our founding

Legacy Society members to find out what inspired them to make a legacy gift. 

We begin with Jerry and Patty Stueber, founding members of the Legacy Society and our volunteer dog therapy team with their dog, Bubba, who was dearly loved by OLP patients.  

“Many people come to the end of their life and wonder, ‘What was it all for?’ Naming Our Lady of Peace in our will has given us great peace of mind knowing that one of the most meaningful things we accomplished with our lives was to make a lasting contribution to this remarkable institution. Having had family members and friends receive care at OLP and serving as OLP volunteers ourselves, we have seen firsthand the enormous difference Our Lady makes in the lives of hospice patients and their families. We are humbled and honored that our gift will help ensure Our Lady of Peace continues to provide compassionate end-of-life care for generations to come.”

– Jerry and Patty Stueber  

We are grateful to Jerry and Patty for joining our special group of donors, and we hope you will join too. By designating Our Lady of Peace in your will, you will forever be remembered for your generosity and commitment to our sacred mission….and that legacy is worth leaving. 

“It’s never too early to start thinking about a legacy gift, knowing you won’t have to worry about it until later, and there is no better way to shape the future,” explains Debbie Swanson, OLP’s Planned Giving & Development Officer. Debbie is clear on why the program is important. “It presents an opportunity to leave a legacy of what you value most, once your family’s needs are met. Careful planning makes it all possible and allows you to leave a charitable gift in a way that is meaningful to you.”

Watch for more legacy stories on the blog this month, and please consider a legacy gift.