Bluebirds & Blooms Brings a Bouquet of Sunshine to OLP Patients and Clients


The bluebird is a symbol of happiness, and as it says on the Bluebirds & Blooms website, “If happiness has a shelf life, we’re extending it.” Every month, this non-profit organizations delivers bouquets of flowers to patients and clients of Our Lady of Peace (OLP).

Bluebirds & Blooms gives the gift of recycled flowers to people living in care communities. Donated flowers are picked up by volunteers who deconstruct, and create floral arrangements, along with performing other tasks. Since they began their mission in 2018, Bluebirds & Blooms has delivered over 67,000 bouquets and continues to extend joy to those who need it most.

We are grateful to Bluebirds and Blooms for the donation of floral arrangements that are a ray of sunshine in the homes and rooms of people in our care. We also want to thank the volunteers who make it possible. You are truly a blessing

To learn more about Bluebirds and Blooms please check out their website at