Beloved CNA Hari Pal Retires


On April 30th, Hari Pal retired. Now in his 70s, Hari dedicated 36 years to caring for OLP patients as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in our residential hospice. He did whatever was needed to give patients the highest quality of life at the end of life. From hands-on patient care to taking a patient for a stroll in the courtyard, his focus was kindness and compassion.

Hari had empathy for families whose loved ones passed in his care. When he immigrated to America from Fiji, he had to leave his parents behind. He knows how hard it is to say goodbye, and caring for patients brought him peace. Hari says, “I like helping patients, as I would have liked to have done for my parents. Caring for patients makes me feel good.” 

As a grandparent, Hari knows how precious it is to spend time with your grandchildren, especially in your final days. He went the extra mile to make sure patients looked their best for visits and children felt as comfortable as possible in our hospice residence. 

Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”  Hari expressed love in the way he cared for people, and he will be missed. 

Thank you for your decades of service to Our Lady of Peace, Hari. We wish you all the best in retirement!