Sisters Bonnie (Vruno) Treacy and Debbie (Vruno) Flick and their mother, Bonnie
Vruno, say they give a monthly gift to Our Lady of Peace because it’s a simple way to
show on-going gratitude for the care their loved ones received. Their dad/husband died
in the care of OLP, and so did Bonnie’s father in-law. “It’s hard to find the words to say
what it’s like to be in a situation where your loved one is dying, but you need to be carried
and cared for as well,” says Debbie. “OLP gets that, and it’s unbelievable to me. Until
you’ve walked in the shoes; you can’t totally understand what this means.”
Monthly gifts have the greatest impact on an organization. They allow OLP to plan and
budget appropriately. “It creates less stress on OLP because they know they can depend
on money coming in,” says Bonnie. Monthly donations are a win-win for the donor who
can budget and the organization that can plan.
Debbie says it’s difficult to describe the experiences that she and her family have had at
OLP, “You go from feeling terrified to calm once you walk through the door. It’s clear
that the staff isn’t just doing it for money. They carried our hearts in their hands, and also
walked our loved ones through Heaven’s door. It’s easy to give back to them.”